Wednesday, December 2, 2009

How to Have the Proper Mindset for Success

by John Pitlick on September 23, 2009

Success with anything is a product of not only dedicated effort but having the proper mindset.

Without the proper mindset it is easy for you to get distracted.

Now more than ever is the time to start building your mindset towards a focus for success. The most important aspect of mindset focus is do not allow EMOTIONS to rule you!

In any business if you let emotion rule your every move you will be more likely to quit when the times get tough. If you quit then there is no way for you to achieve what you wanted to get out of the business in the first place.

I don’t care what your motivation is, whether that is putting your kids through school, being able to spend more time with your family, or just not having to wake up at a certain time every day stuck in the rat race, you will not win if you let your emotions drive you .

The High Emotional State

Being in a high emotional state makes it more difficult to share with someone your great opportunity. Think about this that if every time you get rejected you allow emotion to latch on to the rejection.

I’m willing to bet that everyone has had a similar string of rejection that I received when I first started in my business career. Rejection made me feel like maybe I made a bad decision getting started with my opportunity or even doubt if I could succeed in the industry I was in.

The key for me is I don’t internalize that rejection. I don’t look at it emotionally.

Any sales book worth its merit hammers this fact into you. You can’t be emotionally attached to your outcome. The top sales people in any field will tell you that often times you will hear yes for every 10 no’s you hear.

Now that’s not an excuse to go out there and start taking a running tally of your no’s, then when you get to 9 expect a sale. Unfortunately it doesn’t work like that, in fact you might have 100 No’s before you have 10 sales.

The Factor

Having the proper mindset is one of the most critical factors of whether or not you are going to make it. Mindset decides whether or not you can not get discouraged or lose focus.

Remember most business success is ALL IN YOUR MIND.

Decide now to have success and decide now that you will have the mindset that will create this foundation for success.

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